Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Emperor – Homage to Nick Bantock Collaborative Tarot Deck

This is a tarot card I did for a collaborative Homage to Nick Bantock Tarot Deck for the art group Travelers H’Art. bantock-emperoro-b-2


  1. Great card, Michele...Nick would definitely approve!! Me too. Love your thumbnail shot as well! Hugs and love to you both,

  2. Greetings from Boise, Iderho, MIchele. Found your blog by hitting Arnell's after hitting Frank Jensen's after researching Pamela Colman Smith's deliberately altered sigil on Frankie Albano's tarot.
    A long-tie Bantock fan, saw him speak in a Ketchum bookstore about ten years ago. Got all of my G&S volumes and popups signed by him and gave them all away to people who have since died. Hmmm.
    david bogie

  3. Here you are! So glad to see your new blog.
