Friday, July 1, 2011

A New Day

This is the first post in my new blog. After working with digital art for several years now, I think that I have outgrown my original blog premise. Digital Dissonance reflected my newness to the world of digital art. I was just starting to explore Photoshop and Photoshop Elements and my limited skills often resulted in a feeling of dissonance. I usually knew what I wanted to create starting out, and I had a good idea of how it should look when complete. However, my limited skill set often led me down other paths so that what I ended up creating was quite different from what I had in mind at the beginning. Through much trial and error I am now at a point where I can pretty much create what I set out to create. Instead of dissonance, I am starting to feel harmony. Photoshop is a tool in my hand instead of a wily, frustrating beast that simply would not do my will. Like any art tool it can be wielded badly, and I am sure I will still have my share of frustration. But now more often than not I marvel at its power, and I am still a bit surprised that I can make it do what I want. I am by no means an expert, and I am still learning new things every day. Still for the most part dissonance has been replaced by harmony and joy. I hope my new blog reflects that and I welcome you to join me in the continuation of my artistic journey.

Michele Jackson

1 July 2011


  1. Harmony and joy! I wish you buckets full of both and am indebted to you for the buckets full of support and guidance you've so freely given to me over the years. The art world is a better place with talented souls like you.

    Your collection above is exceptional and I look forward to following your journey.

  2. Thank you Trudi - the feeling is mutual!

  3. Another breath of fresh air and inspiration, Michele...I thank you for continuing to share your art and your processes with us. Harmony and joy are good things to feel...and you're passing them on by sharing your blog! Good luck...hope you hold on to those feelings. Congratulations on your graduation to a new blog!


  4. Wonderful work...Can't wait to get where you are.I just started doing digital art in Sept. 2010.I have a new blog to show my art, please stop in!

